Things to do and see before I'm 40

Inspired by this blog article I wrote a list of the things I want to do and see before I'm 40.

  1. See the aurora borealis.
    I don't want to travel I just want to see them from Shillong. That is something that is possible but if it does then we could be in big trouble screwed.

  2. Find another fossil.

  3. Fall in love. (yeah right)

  4. Have a collection of cool rocks.

  5. Learn to draw and make silly drawings. I scribbled something silly and sent it here and realized how fun it was even if I was not good at it.

  6. Write at least a 100 blog posts.

  7. See a spectacular meteor shower like the one I saw in 2012.

  8. Have a reunion with all my friends from college.

  9. ...